Sunday, November 19, 2006

I need to lose 25 pounds

In the past six months I have gained 25 pounds. I blame this weight gain my inability to control my intake of food and a stressful job where I was surrounded by unhealthy food.

The bottom line is I love food, cooking and I have no self control. This is something my husband does not get. He can sit there with a whole cake and it would rot before he would finish it.I on the other hand, would wake up in the middle of the night to finish it.

I grew up in a big family where the competition over scared resources of sweets and fatty/tasty foods was highly completive. I must take a short break to seek another sliver of the raspberry mouse cake left over from my husband’s birthday party last night….

Plus we have decided to become vegetarians again! I was a vegetarian for 7 years and my experience with vegetarianism is that it meant that I ate French fries for dinner every time we went out to eat. My husband despite being from India is becoming a vegetarian for the first time in his life.

In this blog I will post recipes that are tasty, low calorie, low fat and vegetarian. I will all talk about how I lose weight.

Weight: 166 pounds

Height: 5’7”

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